As I promised last week, this is what all of the wheelbarrow-ing last week was about.
The lads who helped me filling up the raised beds were full of enthusiasm, even this week, It was great to see them working together to get the barrows loaded. Pushing heavy wheelbarrows is a great activity for getting proprioceptive feedback.

This first bed, which we filled last week is the "Tasting" bed, It is all about things which you can eat. So at the moment, we have planted herbs, strawberries, raspberries, broad beans, wild strawberries and a courgette plant.
This is the bed we filled this week, the "Seeing" bed. To start off with we have planted Day Lilies, Crocosmia Lucifer, Columbines and Aliums. These are all quite tall, eye catching plants, and in the future we would like to add other contrasting, colourful plants.
The next beds will be the Smelling and the Touching beds. If you have any plants that you would like to donate to the garden, or allotment, please get in touch, as there will be a home for everything somewhere.