A quick little post about water and recycling...
In our sensory garden, we do have a bit of an issue in that we are a long way from a source of water, and on the odd days that the weather is good, it is Really good, hot and dry - scorching in fact! So with all the new plants that we have been putting in, we need to get something sorted out.
We don't have funds to buy much for the garden, but we did have several large blue plastic drums which were donated, and so, I set about converting one into a water butt, to collect rain water. I thought I would share how I did it, as it wasn't that difficult, though you do have to be happy using power tools.
Step 1. Cut the top off the barrel using a wood saw. This takes a bit of time, but once you are going, it isn't too difficult
Step 2. Purchase a replacement tap (about £2 ). Your will need to use a disc cutting drill bit (see photo) which is the same diameter as the tap, mark where you want the tap to be, I chose to put it about 6" up from the bottom of the butt, so that the collected water will weigh down the water butt and make it less likely to be tipped over. Drill the circular hole, and fit the tap.

Step 3. Making the lid. I didn't want to leave to top of the water butt open, for several reasons: The children using the garden may reach in / try to climb in, Rubbish and leaves may end up in there, we don't want wildlife in there!
So the end which got sawn off, was flipped upside down, and the 6 small holes were drilled. It will act as a funnel to collect the rain water and allow it to drain into the barrel.

Step 4 - Securing the lid. I drilled four pairs of holes, in the lid, and the barrel itself, and using removable cable ties, I fixed the lid onto the barrel, so it can be take off if needed, but will not blow off or be dislodged by inquisitive hands.
Ta-da! This is the finished water butt!

I have positioned the water butt on a tyre, to raise it high enough for a watering can to be filled underneath. Also I have built a compartment out of pallets to try to ensure that is it safe and will not be able to be pulled over.
So I hope that's helpful, I have another two to do, one for the allotment, and another for the sensory garden.