Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Summer in Wales

Wednesday 5th May

 Welcome to summer time - Welsh style! At least we don't have to do much watering this week, the plants are loving it, especially the grass, which is growing in abundance around the sensory garden. This is a Columbine flower, which is headed for the "Sight" bed. It's also known as Granny's Bonnets.
 As the weather was against us, we did a bit of indoor gardening, potting up some seedlings, presumed to be beetroot (must do better with the labelling next year!) And also sowed some flower seeds which were donated, Poppies and Sweet Peas. Some of the youngsters in the centre were very curious as to what we were doing and kept a keen watch on the planting.
 The pallet house in the Sensory garden is coming along, with the addition of some pots and pans for a bit of outdoor drumming.
When the rain eventually stopped, I caught this Mother and Baby, who live next door to the Sensory Garden, having a quick feed. I wonder if sheep can swim? !

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