Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Construction team at work

Today has been a really productive day on the allotment. The sun was shining on us as we worked which always helps, despite there being a frost this morning. It might be just as well we don't have lots of delicate seedlings trying to grow yet! S joined us on the allotment today, and was keen to get stuck in to sorting out the shed.He had a plan to get some work top and shelves in to store our tools, and some cupboards, and he worked he socks off, using recycled pallets, and some cupboards and worktop that had been donated. The shed also had a few repairs as it has seen better days.
The next veg bed had been prepared for the potatoes...

which were well and truly chitted (started sprouting).

S also worked with his support worker to make a wooden raised planter, which looks great, and will probably go next to the seating area with strawberry plants in, I'll post a picture when it's planted up!

And finally.... I wanted to share this link to an article about why gardening is good for you.

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